Come along to this Winter Solstice community event and identify savings that can be easily made on your power bills. The South Hobart Sustainable Community has collected the best tips and advice from local energy assessors and experts, and will demonstrate a range of hi tech through to low cost DIY actions that target the most energy consuming components of your power bill. Features will include thermal imaging and air exchange measurements, household energy meter purchase, hot water cylinder improvements, DIY auditing kits, standby savers, heater efficiencies, downlight dilemmas, power bill analysis, climate friendly pledge, government rebates, and power bill analyses (bring your aurora bills with you).
Door prize – Win the inaugural South Hobart Ecoblitz. Local energy assessors will work with you in your home to identify the best energy savings and arrange a working bee to retrofit these changes – where appropriate. $200 of materials included. Sign up to be involved in future Ecoblitz at the meeting. Gold coin donation appreciated. Gluwein and supper provided.
Come along to St Francis Xavier Church Hall – corner of Anglesea and Adelaide St, South Hobart (under church).