Hobart City Council is trialling a new way to engage in conversation with their residents. Our first opportunities are coming up, with one in South Hobart on Wednesday 8 April, and one even closer on Thursday 23 April, at Mt Stuart Hall. Time: 6.30pm for 7pm. More details can be found here:
Traffic flowing through West Hobart
Here's the article in today's Mercury focussing on the rat run (volumes and speeds) of traffic through West Hobart. Di was misstated in the article as representing the West Hobart Residents Traffic Committee. In fact, that committee is administered by Hobart City Council. Di does attend that committee along with a number of other residents. However her comments for the purposes of the article were in her role of member of West Hobart Environment Network.Don't bother reading the comments on the article. As is usually the case, the vast majority of them are selfish and/or ignorant.
The photo attached to the article shows the newly installed speed camera/monitor now seen by motorists heading southwards and up the hill across the road from the train park. Wouldn't it be more useful to measure the speeds of cars heading downhill past the train park?
It would be nice if we could offer to show some of our Aldermen the situation on the ground at the train park. Would anyone like to volunteer to do this?