23 May 2013

Bridge to City Tree Planting & BBQ

Come join local volunteers from the Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens, Bushcare, SCAT and others for a fun family tree planting event on the Derwent Foreshore. Be a part of helping to restore this beautiful area by planting a tree; learn about the Aboriginal people who were the custodians of this land with a walk and talk with Elder, Lance le Sage; get  a taste for the local bush tucker, free BBQ and more.

Where:                   meet at the Regatta Ground (upper) car park
When:                    10-1pm, Sunday 2 June
What to bring:     Hat, water bottle, sturdy, covered shoes, long-sleeved shirt and trousers

RSVPs are essential. Access to the site is limited and children must be carefully supervised by their parent or guardian due to the proximity to the train-line.

Anna Greig
Bushcare Coordinator
Hobart City Council, Bushland & Reserves
Phone (03)6238 2884
Mobile 0409 780 458