03 April 2014

Gardening notes - April

Dear Gardening Friends

Lovely autumn day today - I hope you can spend some time in your garden.

The Garden Notes (below) look light on jobs for April but I'm looking at the beginning of the autumn/winter pruning. I've cut back the boysenberries, the black and redcurrants are next. The hazelnuts are due a major cut-back this year - maybe I'll wait until my son visits, for that task!

Let Ann Hughes and/or me know if you have ideas for GAF - skills you can share or would like to learn, an offer of your garden for us to sticky-beak - that is always fun.

APRILWeek 1Week 2Week 3Week 4
Broad Beans (1st planting)   x
Green manures                                                      x           x        x           x

Lettuce                                                               x           x         x           x       

Garlic                                                                  x            x

Best wishes
