08 June 2013

It's Time - to have your say on Feed In Tariffs for solar PV

Save Solar Tasmania’s  Briefing Paper on the Feed-in Tariff consultation is now available at:

The Briefing Paper has been written to assist people wishing to make submissions to the consultation process
 being run by the Electricity Reform Project in Treasury.
Submissions are due by Tuesday 11 June and should be sent to: Electricity.Reform@treasury.tas.gov.au
Presentations from last week's Fate of the Feed-in Tariff forum run by Sustainable Living Tasmania are now available

Jack Gilding
Convenor, Save Solar Tasmania
m: (0407) 486-651


04 June 2013

June's gardening notes

Dear Gardening friends

This month's planting notes are below.

We had a wonderful afternoon at Tony's great vegetable garden last month - lots of gardening talk, seed sharing and lovely afternoon tea in the autumn sunshine.

If you would like to host a winter visit to your garden from the GAF  gardeners please let us know.

JUNE Week1     Week 2   Week 3  Week 4
Broad Beans (2nd planting)

Sugar Snap peas (2nd planting) pregerminate then sow

Snowpea (2nd planting)

direct sow and protect from birds until 100mm high

English Spinach (no Punnets - direct seeding only)
                             x      x

Best wishes

Margaret and Ann

03 June 2013

Your winter bush adventures are here!

Don’t miss the Hobart City Council's Bushadventures team's presentations on…
·            Winter on Mt Wellington with ecologist Fred Duncan
·            Migratory and Resident Shorebirds
·            Tasmanian Devils – Speak of the Devil: What’s Happening Right Now?
·            The Ecology of Wild Tasmanian Fungi
·            Botanical Drawing
·            Antarctica: Then and Now

The Winter Program full of all the details is attached!

Visit www.hobartcity.com.au/bushadventures to view this season’s calendar of events!