09 May 2017

Survey on improvements to Hill Street

The Lansdowne Crescent Primary School School Community Association has released a survey to collect your views on a range of potential projects for improving the safety of walking in West Hobart, particularly for pedestrian crossing Hill Street. The SCA is trying to get a feel for the feeling of the general community on these issues.

Background information can be found in our recent post on the Council's current proposals for Hill Street.
It would be fantastic if you could spare a couple of minutes to complete the survey and then pass the message on to everyone you know that lives in, has kids that go to school in, or regularly visits West Hobart.  It is only 5 questions and takes just a couple of minutes to complete.  We will also be promoting the survey on our Facebook page.  Feel free to share it.

The survey can be found here:



And don't forget to also tell the Council  directly what you think about the proposals.

07 May 2017

Seed saving - workshop and seed swap

The good folks at Green Harvest Organic Gardening, based in Queensland, are making a trip down to Hobart, braving the cold, to present at the Seed Storm 2-day workshop on 27-28 May (Saturday-Sunday) in Hobart. 

The workshop aims to help home gardeners and growers increase their seed saving skills with a range of experts and hands-on experience saving seed. Green Harvest CEO, Frances Michaels, will be talking about seed purity, correct cultivar ID, cross pollination control, seed storage and drying techniques, seed viability and germination testing.

Green Harvest believes that seed saving has never been more important, as open-pollinated heirloom seeds offer the genetic resilience and diversity to sustain food production despite changing climatic conditions. Seed production has become somewhat of a ‘lost art’ commercially in Australia with the bulk of vegetable production using imported hybrid seed. The team is looking forward to meeting gardeners and growers who are interested in seed production being reintegrated into Australian agriculture and home gardening.

There will be a free community seed swap in Hobart Sunday 28 May: more details at www.facebook.com/seedfreak events. Join in and nab seeds!

More details at: