We are invited to submit feedback, using the online feedback form here, or by using a printed form, or by email or in writing. Also at the above link you can download:
- an engagement information document;
- a draft West Hobart Oval management plan; and
- a draft West Hobart Oval lighting plan.
The period for comment lasts a month, closing on 11 July.
The primary recommendations include:
- upgrading the oval with improved drainage, irrigation and lighting
- refurbishment of the change room and public toilet
- reconstruction of the car park to address congestion, parking and pedestrian safety issues
- improved park and wayfinding signage and trail network.
On reading the draft management plan, WHEN notes some issues which don't seem to have been given consideration, such as:
- The need to improve safe access from Hamilton St for bike riders, given that many users of the oval (including children) either do ride there now or would like to (or would be given permission to by their parents) if it could be made safer. Improving this part of the overall ride from home to the park should be done while these works are being done. Council has an agreed policy to always consider bike infrastructure when road improvements are being planned.
- So, instead of widening the access driveway to allow two car lanes, add a generous grade-separated bike path instead.
- Lansdowne Crescent is earmarked for a future bikepath, so a generous bike path with an easy gradient, running from the southern Lansdowne Crescent access to the northern Crescent access and through to Hamilton St, and a ramp down at the northern Lansdowne Crescent end, would improve connections for bike riders. Connections such as: city to oval, oval to Hill St Grocer, oval to Smolt Kitchen... It could also be used as part of Ride2School options for school students.
- The need to include bike parking loops as close as possible to the oval and changerooms, so that bikes are safe from theft while kids and adult players are busy on the oval.
- Would this be a good location for a shared community garden of some kind? Is anyone living near the oval interested in this idea? How about a shared productive patch?
- Here's an idea for the new plantings at the north end of the oval. How about some productive trees such as walnuts or almonds - these would: provide shade in summer; let the sun through in winter; and provide edible food for kids and local residents to forage for in autumn.
- Could the oval be made more accessible for community events?
Other ideas? Share them here in the comments!