12 July 2016

A Community Bank in the Foothills of Mt Wellington?

WHEN has been approached by the South Hobart Community Bank project team, asking if West Hobart would like to be included in a possible broadening of their project across the Foothills of Mt Wellington.  Below is their email. 

If any WH resident is keen to attend this workshop on 22 July obo our community and is happy to provide a report back for our blog, that would be great!  Pls go ahead and register for the workshop and drop us a line to let us know.


Over the past year, the South Hobart Community Bank® Steering Committee has been working hard to raise sufficient interest from the local community to establish a Community Bank® in South Hobart.

Community Bank® branches are making contributions to communities across Australia which go beyond simply banking.  Owned by local people and backed by Bendigo Bank, the national network of branches has contributed more than $148 million to their communities.  These funds have helped provide much-needed financial support for community groups, clubs and not-for-profit groups that are the backbone of local communities.  They have helped artists, students, sporting enthusiasts, musicians, conservationists and many others to achieve great things.

Through the process of working to set up a Community Bank® we have realised that we need to expand our reach beyond South Hobart and engage with a wider community.  

So, we are asking for your help. The South Hobart Community Bank® Steering Committee invites you, as a leader in your local community, to come along to a workshop on Friday 22 July 2016 from 2pm – 4pm to help us expand our reach and re-energise our efforts to establish a Community Bank® in the foothills of Mount Wellington.

The newly constructed Lady Gowrie Child Care Centre has kindly offered to host us for the afternoon.  We will hear from Bendigo Bank staff and from Community Bank® representatives who have successfully set up branches in their local communities.

Half of the profits from every successful Bendigo Community Bank® is returned to the local community - that’s one powerful reason to help make it happen! 

The Workshop Details are:

Friday, 22 July 2016 from 2pm – 4pm
Lady Gowrie Child Care Centre
Davey Street entrance (next to Barrecode, 269 Davey Street) in South Hobart
Afternoon tea will be available


Please register at: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/south-hobart-community-bank-workshop-tickets-26290157569
***Please note that numbers are capped at 30.

For more information please call Jane on 0427 810 966 or Keri on 0409 793 406 or email us at: southhobartcbproject@gmail.com

We hope to see you there!
South Hobart Community Bank Project Steering Committee