27 May 2013

8 to 80 Cities comes to Hobart

8 to 80 Cities:  Walk & Bike..Parks & Streets..For All!

This is a movement for change, dedicated to transforming cities into places where people can safely and easily walk, bike, access public transit and visit vibrant parks, streets and other public places.

WHEN was at the 8 to 8O Cities photoshoot organised on Saturday by Bicycle Tasmania.  Over 150 bike riders formed into a giant figure of eight to demonstrate their demand for safe cycleways on Tasmania's roads.  There were people from younger than 8 to older than 8O.  It was great fun, with lots of old friends catching up and new friends and acquaintances being made in the warm winter sunshine.

8-80 Cities is based on a simple philosophy:

If you create a city that’s good for an 8 year old and good for an 80 year old, you will create a successful city for everyone. We want every city and town in Tasmania to be an 8-80 City.
  • 8-80 Cities are communities built for people. They reflect social equality in the public realm and promote sustainable happiness.
  • They nurture our need to be physically active by providing safe, accessible and enjoyable places for everyone to walk, bike and be active as part of our daily routine.
  • They recognise that people are social creatures, so they prioritise human interaction by fostering vibrant streets and great public places where people can rest, relax and play.
  • 8-80 Cities encourage sustainable and healthy lifestyles for everyone regardless of age, gender, ability, ethnicity or economic background.
http://www.8-80cities.org/  is where you can find out more about the 8 to 8O Cities movement. 

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