13 June 2013

Get energised around Climate Action - June 22

Climate Action Hobart is presenting a one day workshop on June 22, 9.45 am - 4 pm in the Clarence Uniting Church.

'Every year brings fresh evidence of the increasing pace and severity of climate change. Yet we continue to witness the failings of policy, leadership and communities to confront this challenge with honesty and integrity. And so, the burden of our work has been made heavier with despair. Let's reclaim our hope! Come along and contribute your energy to planning a safe climate future for Tasmania ... and the world.'
Will Steffan will provide an energising keynote address:  “The Angry Summers of our Future”, and the focus of the day will be on strategies for action.    See the flyer here.


Keynote speaker Professor Will Steffan will also give a public talk in the evening of June 22 (7.15 pm for 7.30pm) in the UTAS Centenary Lecture Theatre. The subject of this free address is:  The Critical Decade 2013 - Climate change science, risks and responses".  RSVP to utas.events@utas.edu.au.
See the flyer here.


These look like great opportunities to catch up on the latest and positive thinking on the climate change campaign.  Hope you can come.



Will Steffen has a long history in international global change research, serving from 1998 to 2004 as Executive Director of the International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme (IGBP), based in Stockholm, Sweden, and before that as Executive Officer of IGBP's Global Change and Terrestrial Ecosystems project.
Prior to taking up the ANU Climate Change Institute Directorship in 2008, Steffen was the inaugural director of the ANU Fenner School of Environment and Society. From 2004 to 2011 he served as science adviser to the Australian Government Department of Climate Change. He is currently a Climate Commissioner with the Australian Government Climate Commission; Chair of the Antarctic Science Advisory Committee, Co-Director of the Canberra Urban and Regional Futures (CURF) initiative and Member of the ACT Climate Change Council.
Steffen's interests span a broad range within the fields of sustainability and Earth System science, with an emphasis on the science of climate change, approaches to climate change adaptation in land systems, incorporation of human processes in Earth System modelling and analysis; and the history and future of the relationship between humans and the rest of nature.
Biography provided by the ANU Climate Change Institute Website

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