Over our history (i.e. since 2008), WHEN has run a number of important and valued projects in the community. We are very proud of what we have achieved (just check out the history in this blog to see what we've been up to). We've been active around Gardens & Food, Sustainable Homes, Sustainable Transport, etc, and the ideas keep coming... Of course there is much to be done if we want to succeed in building and maintaining a liveable, vibrant and optimistic community in West Hobart in the face of the environmental, energy, societal and financial challenges that are coming our way.
We agreed that we have a problem with our current name. (Indeed, some people have been saying this for a long time). Our current name came out of an early workshop and was adopted largely because of its catchy acronym. But as George Monbiot said recently, " “environment” is a cold and distancing word, which creates no pictures".
We want to reflect through our name the positive vision that our supporters have at heart when they think about the future community they want their children to live in. We want our name to contain the seeds to inspire our neighbours to bring their enthusiasm to the group and to take it forward with new ideas and projects. So - we started brainstorming some key words and ideas, such as :
Community, Future, Liveable Community, Resilience...
Living West Hobart
Living Well in West Hobart
Growing West Hobart
Transition West Hobart (implies a commitment to joining the international Transition Towns movement)
Sustainable Living in West Hobart
Building a resilient West Hobart
Westies for the Future
West Hobart in Transition
in fact any of these could be followed by a tagline
(such as ...a new leaf / local solutions to global problems / building a strongly connected community / growing the things we love / building a resilient community / .....)
Another idea being discussed is joining together with likeminded groups in the foothills of Mt Wellington to create a stronger group. So the name may move beyond the confines of West Hobart...
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