23 June 2014

What's coming up in West Hobart

Sunday's winter solstice meeting over yummy spiced tea and (too many) muffins confirmed a number of community activities in West Hobart in the coming year.  Take a look to see if there is something that takes your fancy.

1. Draught Busters in West Hobart - Take 2

Our highly successful Draught Busters project from last winter had some funds left over, so Margaret will be coordinating another (free) skills development workshop and arranging the purchase of the recommended high quality draught proofing materials (which will be available at half price) for project participants.    Contact Margaret via steadmanma@gmail.com.

2. Mary Meets Muhammed

WHEN and Sustainable Living Tasmania are hosting a free screening of this wonderful, inspiring and thought-provoking film - about the Pontville detention centre.  It will be screened on Sunday 29 June at 2.30 pm, at Sustainable Living Tasmania:  Level 1, 71 Murray St, Hobart. 
Give SLT a ring on 6234 5566 if you are planning to go - friends and family welcome.

3.  Bushfire Preparedness - revisited

WHEN coordinated several  Bushfire Preparedness tours in February this year, and residents learned important tips about preparing their homes and gardens to minimise the risk of bushfire spotting onto their own properties.  This year we will once again invite residents at the fringes of Knocklofty Reserve to discuss the risks and proven strategies.  Watch out for further information in this blog about this opportunity.

4. Fruit tree pruning

Trine suggested a pruning workshop, and offered her fruit trees as demonstration subjects.   Is there a resident who would like to show others how to do it?  And who else would like to come along?  Drop a line to whenvnet@gmail.com and we will organise a date that suits.

5. Bikelanes and traffic issues in West Hobart

Di suggested that WHEN join forces with Bicycle Tasmania to press for recognition of bikes as a healthy transport option for West Hobart residents.  We agreed there is also a need to work with Hobart City Council to find solutions to the traffic rat run through the area and the consequent safety risks for both children walking to school and older pedestrians.  The Transport Working Group will meet at 67 Newdegate Street at 3pm on Sunday 6 July.  Residents concerned about these issues are invited to come along.  RSVP via whenvnet@gmail.com so that we can plan for numbers expected.

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