08 December 2016

We're making West Hobart more walkable

A good number of residents attended the community consultation "Walk This Way" on Friday 18 November at Lansdowne Crescent Primary School.  The meeting (and catering, yum) was organised by the Council.  Publicity for the day included alerts via this blog and Facebook, an interview of the keynote speaker on ABC radio, a local interview for The Mercury, and letterboxing of about 600 houses around Hill Street.

Photo:  Matthew Farrell
The passionate keynote speaker, Ben Rossiter, Chief Executive of Victoria Walks, presented views on how walking has been discouraged in Australian suburbs, which rang true for us in West Hobart!  He then gave some impressive examples of how residents and Councils in Victoria have created "walkable" communities.  Below are
- some notes from his presentation
- conclusions drawn on how to create safe crossing points on Hill Street
- next steps for us.

Some notes from Ben Rossiter's presentation

Walkers are the "indicator species" of a healthy community.    People WANT to walk, for health, enjoyment, social interaction, to save money, and often for convenience or by necessity.   But walking has not been valued, we have made it scary and difficult, we have designed our street environments for cars not for people.

As we age, we tend to walk more often, for both recreation and transport.  Our senior citizens know that they are vulnerable to falls, so they are deterred by things like:
    • dogs not on a leash
    • footpaths that are uneven or poorly lit
    • badly designed kerb crossings
    • drivers failing to give way, and fast moving traffic
    • bicycle riders on shared paths riding too fast or behaving erratically
Barriers to children walking or riding to school and playing outside include:
    • road safety concerns of parents
    • traffic volume and speed
    • fear of strangers, and empty streets not offering eyes to watch out for kids
    • the lure of less active hobbies, such as screen time
Infrastructure solutions include:
    • safe and level footpaths on all streets
    • well designed kerb ramps and clear markings at driveway crossings
    • reduction in vehicle speeds
    • reduction in both the complexity and the distance of crossing the road
    • more time to cross
    • reinforce the requirement for vehicles to give way
    • visually and actually narrowing streets to discourage speeding behaviours
Ben showed photos of safe pedestrian priority crossings, including zebra pedestrian crossings.  The crossings are frequently elevated on a raised table - this gives additional visibility to pedestrians and also an extra incentive to drivers to slow down.  Locating these real pedestrian-priority crossings right at intersections reflects pedestrians' "desire lines"  i.e. where the attractive destinations (like shops and cafes) are, and where most people want to cross.

The community can also act to improve things.  It's important to build the number of interesting destinations in the community, and to build community connections via school and neighbourhood activities.   Encouraging walking groups and promoting local walking routes can help people to start walking and to continue enjoying regular walks.  WHEN's West Hobart Walks map is a good start!

Safe crossing points on Hill Street

Council has committed to install two safe crossing points on Hill Street in the current financial year 2016/17.  Residents and schools reps at the workshop came away convinced by the additional data and examples presented that the Council's plans when they are shown to us for more formal consultation should be for
  1. zebra crossings (which give pedestriansa legal priority under our current Road Rules)
  2. located at the two intersections at either end of Lansdowne Crescent
  3. and preferably on raised tables for additional protection
The safe crossing points should be reinforced by a reduced speed limit of 40 kph, at least all along Hill Street if not applied across the whole of our residential community.

Next steps

A coalition of local community groups, schools and businesses have sent a letter to Council outlining and supporting this viewpoint, and urging that the solution for safer crossing points on Hill Street reflect these elements.

If you want to send a similar letter on behalf of your group or business, do contact us via whenvnet@gmail.com, and we'll send you a draft you can make your own.

24 November 2016

A community project you may be interested in

A Community Bank for the Hobart Foothills?

Come to an information session in the Phoenix space of Goulburn St Primary School, Monday 28 Nov. at 7 pm to hear about the project underway to set up a locally owned Community Bank to be called the South Hobart and Foothills Community Bank (backed by Bendigo Bank).

Community Banks use profits from local banking to fund local projects and initiatives. Come along with ideas of what community endeavours you would like to see funded by our bank!

The Phoenix space is the free-standing general purpose room below the main school building on Goulburn St.

16 November 2016

Walk This Way - is on in two (2) days

Just a reminder that this important opportunity to show the Council that West Hobartians demand a safer neighbourhood - an environment where it is safe to let our kids walk and ride to school, and where it is safe for our older residents to walk to the shops and to the doctor - is on this Friday.  Yes, in one or two days' time. 

We do hope that you can come along.  And please tell your neighbours and friends, we need as many people to come as possible.  We are effectively going to be asking the Council to use West Hobart as a trial for a new approach to managing traffic in residential areas.  Actually, this has already been done in Battery Point but the Council has seen that as a special case for some reason. 

We want to protect our kids and elders against the tide of fast cars that currently use our neighbourhood as a conduit to and from the city.  Ben Rossiter will talk about what has been done in Victoria to help make suburbs more "walkable".  Then we will discuss what might work here in West Hobart.

There will be a (free) morning tea as well!  What could be better?

Friday 18 November, 10.30am to 1pm

GP Room, Lansdowne Crescent School

See you there!

01 November 2016

November - planting notes

Here is the planting guide for November:
NOVEMBER Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4
Beetroot - large direct sowing for winter  x

Carrot - large direct sowing cropping Feb to Oct. x x

Swedes - for winter

Shallots/Spring onions x x x x
Climbing Beans 
x x x
French Bush Beans x x x x
Sweetcorn -  x x x x
as ground is warmer, can dispense with pregermination

Silverbeet - for winter

Leeks - punnet to ground
x x x
Kohlrabi x x x x
Brussel Sprouts and Kale - direct seeding

Zucchini- pots to ground.  x x x
Basil - punnet to ground  x x x x

Punnets or Individual Pots

Brussel Sprouts

x x

x x
Silverbeet - for winter

x x

x x


25 October 2016

Walk this Way! Friday 18 November

Walk this Way! 

A forum to discuss ways to make West Hobart a great place for walking.

Everyone is invited to this Council and community-convened workshop to inform and inspire people about important factors in creating a walkable community in West Hobart.

Walking is great for our health, the safety and amenity of our suburb and for the environment, but there are things we can do to make our corner of the world better for walking. Come and hear Ben Rossiter, CEO of Victoria Walks - Australia's premier walking advocacy organisation.

Ben will talk about Australian best practices in local government-provided pedestrian infrastructure, and community-driven walking campaigns / walk to school programs. There will also be a group discussion about creating a walking friendly and active West Hobart.

WHEN - Friday 18 November, 10.30am - 1pm (morning tea included) 

WHERE - GP Room, Lower Level of Lansdowne Crescent Primary School, Gourlay St, West Hobart

Please mark this important event for the West Hobart community in your diaries right now!  

It will be important to have as many residents as possible come along, so that we get the best ideas.   If you are on Facebook, pls share our FB Event with your friends.  Or send your RSVP to whenvnet@gmail.com.


29 September 2016

See Hobart with fresh eyes - 8 October

Better Hobart will be hosting another free Urban Walk on Saturday 8 October.  They say:

This will be a repeat of our highly successful first walk, on which Dale Campisi (The Gents Guide) and Nick Booth (NBD-Space) dared us to look at the CBD afresh, opening our eyes to some truly inspiring ideas for urban renewal in Hobart.

Their route will take us via some of the recent urban planning outcomes in the CBD, including upgrades on Liverpool Street, Mathers Lane, Collins Place and Franklin Square. View the map here.

The walk will conclude with a free screening of The Human Scale, a documentary inspired by the human-centred design practices of the Danish architect Jan Gehl.  Check out the preview below.

If you're anything like us - passionate about creating a more liveable, sustainable and people-friendly Hobart - then do not miss it!

The tour will depart Core Collective Architects on Argyle St at 3:00pm on Saturday 8 October, with around 1 hour of total walking-time scheduled.

Register now at our Facebook event. Please note that spaces are limited.

10 September 2016

WH Recreation Ground - the City Council is listening

Recently the City of Hobart published a draft Management Plan and Lighting Plan for the West Hobart Oval.  We wrote about it here, and encouraged residents to think about the oval and to make submissions.

Council has considered the ideas that came in from the community and has recently released its revised Management Plan.  A number of changes have been made to the draft plan, so this exercise has demonstrated the usefulness of both Council consulting with locals and locals making the effort to get involved! 

WHEN is pleased that several of our suggestions have been accepted as useful by the Council.  Our accepted ideas were:

  • installation of bike hoops (within sight of the oval) so that oval users can securely park their bikes while they're playing
  • improved access for pedestrians and bike riders from the Hamilton St entrance, to increase safety for children walking and riding to the oval
  • better access for both pedestrians and bike riders on a shared pathway between Hamilton St and Lansdowne Crescent
  • encouraging use of the oval for community events.
We now look forward to seeing the implementation of the revised Management Plan and how well our ideas are considered and implemented.

08 September 2016

September planting notes, 2016

Greg's planting notes for September are below. 

Oh joy! Spring!

And even more lovely - Eve's Garden is back. Every Sunday 10 - 4 at 14 Petty St, Elizabeth will be selling plants and seedlings for our Spring gardens and on Sunday 25 Sept she will be selling tomato plants too. She is busy potting them up right now. 

Happy gardening.


SEPTEMBER Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4
Beetroot - not too many as often goes to seed in Summer x x x x
Shallots/Spring onions x x x x
Celeriac - keep damp 3 weeks plus for Autum/Winter x x x x
Tomatoes - punnet into ground - in greenhouse only

x x
Capsicums - punnet into ground - in greenhouse only

x x
Parsnip - keep damp for 3 weeks plus. x x x x
direct only for Autumn/Winter

Kohlrabi - earliest sowing date 

Radish x x x x
Lettuce - Direct seeding and punnet to ground. x x x x

Into Punnets

Lettuce x x x x
Tomatoes - for outdoors, punnet to pots in propagator

x x
Sweetcorn - pregerminate then sow direct

Zucchini - pregerminate, plant in pots in propagator x x x x
Leek  x x x x

07 September 2016

Great sustainable house ideas on show this Sunday

Yes, this Sunday is the annual Sustainable House Day, this is your big chance to check out other people's houses and good ideas!  You could pick up some cheap and easy fixes for your place.

Register at the site to get access to details of the houses that are available to visit. 

Some great houses on show include:

Inner Urban Eco-Upgrade - see roof and underfloor insulation, double glazing, draught proofing, insulating the hot water cylinder, heat pump, rooftop solar PV...

Mountain River
New build - masses of solar PV, heavy insulation, passive solar design, heat pump HW system

Tolmans Hill
New build - passive solar, hillside building, high insulation, thermal mass, disability access throughout

Fern Tree
A passive solar build 20 years on, showing improvements added over time

New build - "An example of an energy-efficient home design which can be achieved for any new house build on a modest budget". Passive solar design, low e-films on windows...

New build - fully self-sufficient for energy and water - wow!!!

Want to visit and write up your thoughts?  Please do, drop us a line!

20 August 2016

Masterclass with Richard Denniss, 21 September

If you're a 'non-economist' and you've ever wanted to spend the day with Australia Institute chief economist Richard Denniss learning about economics for progressive advocacy -- this is your chance!

Anglicare Tasmania's Social Action and Research Centre (SARC) is hosting Richard to teach a masterclass on economics for progressive advocacy, with a large discount!

Richard Denniss
MASTERCLASS: Economics for Progressive Advocacy (a guide for non-economists)
with Richard Denniss
Wednesday, 21 September, 10 am – 4 pmMathers House (lower level), 180 Bathurst St, Hobart TASCost: $140 (incl. GST), with lunch included.

Our thanks to Anglicare Tasmania's Social Action and Research Centre (SARC). This masterclass has been made possible at this special price (rrp $295) thanks to their support.
>> Book here

Economics is everywhere in the public debate, but economists are not. So much of what political leaders say relates to the economy, but so few of them say anything of real substance. Most community advocates, like most politicians, are not economists but most advocates, unlike most politicians, feel uncomfortable talking about things in which they are not expert.
This course is designed to decode political spin and economic nonsense, and unpack economics for progressive advocacy.
-- The Australia Institute Team

12 August 2016

Update on traffic solutions for West Hobart

Our last update was on 9 April.

Where are we at now in the Hill St/Lansdowne Cres traffic saga?

We have continued to lobby but nothing is straightforward it seems. 

Hobart Council sent three letters in May to the Department of State Growth seeking clarification and/or support for issues around:
a) installing traffic lights at the corner of Arthur and Hill Streets
b) a children's crossing on Hill St near the train park
c) rules for establishing "zebra" crossings.

We're advised that State Growth has responded as follows:

a) Traffic lights
In relation to the traffic lights, we're advised by the Council that State Growth has responded that:
"the intersection is unlikely to meet warrants for traffic signals as defined in the Austroads Guides".
State Growth apparently requested further information from the Council and  apparently Council is in the process of providing that.

We still support the installation of traffic lights on this corner in order to bring some order to the vehicle traffic at this intersection and to enable a safe crossing point here for pedestrians.   The lights will also break up the steady stream of city bound traffic along Hill Street into pulses and thereby create some safer crossing opportunities for pedestrians all along Hill Street.  This will be especially helpful in the morning peak hour.

b) Safer children's crossing at the Train Park
Apparently the Department of State Growth provided the advice “that the installation of children’s crossings on Hill Street would not be appropriate as they would not be located adjacent to school property. Providing a median treatment along Hill Street ... will improve safety by allowing pedestrians to cross the road in two stages. Experience indicates that median treatments are also beneficial in moderating vehicle operating speeds.”

This doesn't make much sense to us in light of firstly common sense (do median strips really help to moderate traffic speeds?) and secondly previous advice provided by State Growth. Council are liaising with State Growth to work out how to proceed.

c)  Statewide Warrants for Pedestrian Crossings
No response has been received to date from the Transport Commissioner. However the Manager Traffic Safety (Department of State Growth) has supported both using the warrants that have been developed in Victoria, and restricting the use of zebra crossings to locations where vehicle speeds are low and drivers are prepared to stop and give way to pedestrians. It was also noted that the installation of zebra crossings normally has to be accompanied by a street lighting upgrade so that motorists can clearly see pedestrians at night.

We still are keen to see zebra crossings, preferably on raised landings (also known as wombat crossings) at popular crossing points along Hill St and Lansdowne Crescent.  These will help to slow traffic to enable safer crossings by pedestrians, offer safer passage for older residents* and will be safer for bike riders than the "kerb bulb and traffic island" option currently favoured by Council.

WHEN recommends five locations for  these wombat crossings:
  1. Hill Street at Lansdowne Cres/Patrick Street intersection.  This will assist children crossing to school and pedestrians accessing the West Hobart Post Office.
  2. Hill St near Warwick St intersection.  This will assist children crossing to go to the park and to and from school, also pedestrians accessing the Porky Duck cafe on the corner.
  3. Hill St near Pine St intersection.   This will assist children crossing to school and pedestrians accessing the Pharmacy and Smolt Kitchen cafe.
  4. Hill St near the Arthur St intersection (this is on the basis that the proposed traffic signals are refused or deferred).   This will assist children crossing to school and pedestrians accessing the Hill Street Grocer.
  5. Lansdowne Cres near the Lansdowne Cres Primary School.  This will discourage drivers choosing Lansdowne Cres to avoid the new wombat crossing on Hill St near the train park, and will also assist children crossing here outside of the "manned" school crossing hours.
WHEN's ideas on how to make West Hobart more liveable in terms of its residential traffic management arrangements are shown on this map.  As well as the above listed wombat crossings to provide physical traffic calming measures, we support reducing the speed limit in our neighbourhood to 40 kph, and reducing the speed limit at the school to 30 kph, both of which are standard practices in many residential zones both in Australia and overseas.

Next Steps

Council officers are currently developing a concept design for the " median treatment, refuge islands and kerb outstands" to be installed in Hill Street this financial year. These plans will be used to undertake consultation with the residents and businesses on Hill Street (and other stakeholders within the West Hobart community, including the Primary School).

We intend to be actively involved in developing these plans and will encourage as many residents as possible to get involved in the consultations when they occur.  Actual construction of the new crossings is likely to be towards the end of the 2016/17 financial year.

* A Monash University study undertaken for Victoria Walks (Fall-Related Injuries While Walking in Victoria, March 2016) included in its recommendations to reduce opportunities for pedestrian falls while walking in public places: "At crossing locations on minor roads, design should consider raised crossings, raised thresholds so that the footpath is at the same level as the street crossing".

08 August 2016

Found - a house key

A door key was found on Knocklofty Loop yesterday, drop us a line at whenvnet@gmail.com if you think it might be yours.

03 August 2016

In the garden - August

Dear Gardening Friends

The daffodils are cheering up the winter garden (and me), the pruning is done, the garlic is flourishing (I planted several varieties this winter and they are all up at long last). And the chooks have started laying again this week. All is well with the world in my little patch - gardening is a real sanctuary isn't it?

Here are Greg's notes for August:

AUGUST Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4
Parsnip - keep damp 3 weeks plus to germinate

x x
Carrot - keep damp for 3 weeks,  start picking mid Dec x x x x
Radish x x x x
Beetroot - not too many as often goes to seed Nov/Dec x x x x
Shallots/Spring onions x x x x
Celeriac - keep damp 3 weeks plus for Autum/Winter x x x x
Mini Cauliflower "Garant" - punnet into ground x x

Lettuce - direct seeding and punnet into ground x x x x
Sugar Snap Pea and Snow Pea - 3rd planting.  x

pregerminate then sow direct. Protect from birds to 100mm


Tomatoes - for greenhouse only x x x
Celeriac - keep damp 3 weeks plus x x

Capsicum - for greenhouse planting only
x x
Lettuce x x x x

Best wishes


21 July 2016

Sustainable House Day - 11 September

Sustainable House Day will be on September 11 this year. There are six houses in southern Tas open for visits this year.

Wouldn't it be great to have one in West Hobart!?  If you're proud of your green home and would like to share your experience and knowledge by opening it to the public on the day, register it at the Sustainable House Day website.

12 July 2016

A Community Bank in the Foothills of Mt Wellington?

WHEN has been approached by the South Hobart Community Bank project team, asking if West Hobart would like to be included in a possible broadening of their project across the Foothills of Mt Wellington.  Below is their email. 

If any WH resident is keen to attend this workshop on 22 July obo our community and is happy to provide a report back for our blog, that would be great!  Pls go ahead and register for the workshop and drop us a line to let us know.


Over the past year, the South Hobart Community Bank® Steering Committee has been working hard to raise sufficient interest from the local community to establish a Community Bank® in South Hobart.

Community Bank® branches are making contributions to communities across Australia which go beyond simply banking.  Owned by local people and backed by Bendigo Bank, the national network of branches has contributed more than $148 million to their communities.  These funds have helped provide much-needed financial support for community groups, clubs and not-for-profit groups that are the backbone of local communities.  They have helped artists, students, sporting enthusiasts, musicians, conservationists and many others to achieve great things.

Through the process of working to set up a Community Bank® we have realised that we need to expand our reach beyond South Hobart and engage with a wider community.  

So, we are asking for your help. The South Hobart Community Bank® Steering Committee invites you, as a leader in your local community, to come along to a workshop on Friday 22 July 2016 from 2pm – 4pm to help us expand our reach and re-energise our efforts to establish a Community Bank® in the foothills of Mount Wellington.

The newly constructed Lady Gowrie Child Care Centre has kindly offered to host us for the afternoon.  We will hear from Bendigo Bank staff and from Community Bank® representatives who have successfully set up branches in their local communities.

Half of the profits from every successful Bendigo Community Bank® is returned to the local community - that’s one powerful reason to help make it happen! 

The Workshop Details are:

Friday, 22 July 2016 from 2pm – 4pm
Lady Gowrie Child Care Centre
Davey Street entrance (next to Barrecode, 269 Davey Street) in South Hobart
Afternoon tea will be available


Please register at: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/south-hobart-community-bank-workshop-tickets-26290157569
***Please note that numbers are capped at 30.

For more information please call Jane on 0427 810 966 or Keri on 0409 793 406 or email us at: southhobartcbproject@gmail.com

We hope to see you there!
South Hobart Community Bank Project Steering Committee


30 June 2016

Gardening notes - July

Margaret writes:
Definitely winter now. I've had the annual visit of the currawongs laying waste to the remaining apples and making a great mess and noise. I do quite like them though.

Keep warm and don't forget to vote!

JULY Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4
Broad Beans (2nd planting) Takes a month to show x x x x
English Spinach (no punnets - direct seeding only) x x x x
Shallots/Spring Onions x x x x
Small Cabbages - punnet into ground x

Small Cabbages - direct seeding x

Mini Cauliflower "Garant" - punnet into ground x x x x
Lettuce - direct seeding x x x x



Lettuce - punnet into ground when ready x x x x

16 June 2016

Have your say - refurbishment of West Hobart Oval

The City of Hobart has prepared a draft West Hobart Oval Management Plan 2016. Some key stakeholders were consulted in the process  - local sporting clubs and Lansdowne Crescent Primary School.  The Council is now seeking general community comment on the draft plan.

We are invited to submit feedback, using the online feedback form here, or by using a printed form, or by email or in writing.  Also at the above link you can download:
- an engagement information document;
- a draft West Hobart Oval management plan; and
- a draft West Hobart Oval lighting plan.

 The period for comment lasts a month, closing on 11 July.

 The primary recommendations include:
  • upgrading the oval with improved drainage, irrigation and lighting
  • refurbishment of the change room and public toilet
  • reconstruction of the car park to address congestion, parking and pedestrian safety issues
  • improved park and wayfinding signage and trail network.

On reading the draft management plan, WHEN notes some issues which don't seem to have been given consideration, such as:
  1. The need to improve safe access from Hamilton St for bike riders, given that many users of the oval (including children) either do ride there now or would like to (or would be given permission to by their parents) if it could be made safer.  Improving this part of the overall ride from home to the park should be done while these works are being done. Council has an agreed policy to always consider bike infrastructure when road improvements are being planned.
    • So, instead of widening the access driveway to allow two car lanes, add a generous grade-separated bike path instead.
  2. Lansdowne Crescent is earmarked for a future bikepath, so a generous bike path with an easy gradient, running from the southern Lansdowne Crescent access to the northern Crescent access and through to Hamilton St, and a ramp down at the northern Lansdowne Crescent end, would improve connections for bike riders. Connections such as:  city to oval, oval to Hill St Grocer, oval to Smolt Kitchen...  It could also be used as part of Ride2School options for school students.
  3. The need to include bike parking loops as close as possible to the oval and changerooms, so that bikes are safe from theft while kids and adult players are busy on the oval. 
  4. Would this be a good location for a shared community garden of some kind?  Is anyone living near the oval interested in this idea?  How about a shared productive patch?
  5. Here's an idea for the new plantings at the north end of the oval.  How about some productive trees such as walnuts or almonds - these would: provide shade in summer; let the sun through in winter; and provide edible food for kids and local residents to forage for in autumn.
  6. Could the oval be made more accessible for community events?
Feel free to use any of these ideas in your own feedback to the Council.
Other ideas? Share them here in the comments!

29 May 2016

Gardening notes for June

Well, cooler weather has finally arrived - I found the unusually warm nights of autumn a bit disturbing; maybe I'm obsessed with climate change!

The green manure is growing well - just have to remember to dig it in before it flowers. Garlic and broad beans are up - planted the beans in the front garden. Harvesting broccoli, leeks and lettuce and of course Tuscan Kale (even the chooks are fed-up with it!). Tomorrow I'm planning to make sauerkraut with the little cabbages and other vegies. And I'm in denial about the pruning. 

Best wishes and keep warm


JUNE Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4
Broad Beans (2nd planting)

Sugar Snap peas (2nd planting) pregerminate then sow

Snowpea (2nd planting)

direct sow and protect from birds until 100mm high

Garlic bulbs 

x x
English Spinach (no Punnets - direct seeding only)

x x

01 May 2016

Gardening notes for May

MAY Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4
Sugar Snap Peas  x x x
(1st planting -pregerminate and then sow direct)

Snowpea x x x
(1st planting -pregerminate and then sow direct)

Protect from birds until 100mm high.

Garlic x x x x

Lettuce (slow) Plant out in July

x x
Cabbages  (small species) Plant out in July
x x x
Cauliflower "Garant" - Plant out in July
x x x

12 April 2016

Smart Urban Futures & Walking Conference - FREE presentation

This is a great opportunity to hear what other communities and Councils are doing to improve the liveability and walkability of their towns.   Aldermen Anna Reynolds and Damon Thomas have recently been to a couple of  fascinating conferences, and have also had a look around at what is happening on the ground in Melbourne.  For example, what are other Councils doing with local area speed limits, pedestrian crossings, roundabouts, managing traffic and parking, etc...

Don't forget to RSVP!

The City of Hobart invites you to
 A presentation of findings from the Smart Urban Futures & Walking Conference

Presented by Aldermen Damon Thomas and Anna Reynolds

Time: 12.30pm – 1.30pm
Date: Tuesday 26 April 2016
Where: Elizabeth Street Conference Room, Town Hall 55 Macquarie Street, Hobart

RSVP to Michelle Hack by Friday 22 April 2016
Phone 6238 2721 or email hackm@hobartcity.com.au

Light refreshments will be provided.

09 April 2016

Update on improving road safety in WH

Our last update was on 12 March.

What's been happening since:
  • Council have formally advised us of the outcomes of the 7 March Council decisions.
  • WHEN has submitted a nomination of the intersection of Hill Street and Arthur Street to the state Blackspot committee, for consideration of funding for traffic lights here (as recommended by the external consultants hired by Council). 
  • Other stakeholders are considering putting in similar nominations for that intersection.
  • Residents and schools reps have consulted with the Department of State Growth about the installation of an "unsupervised children’s crossing" in Hill Street, near the intersection of Warwick Street and Caldew Park.  They are supportive and advise that it is a Council decision.  So we are talking to Council again...
  • We are awaiting confirmation that Council has actioned another "quick action" part of the 7 March decision  i.e. to request State Growth to develop statewide guidelines (or "warrants") for installation of pedestrian crossings such as Zebra and Wombat (zebra with raised platform).  

04 April 2016

In the garden in April

SOW                                         Week1      Week2      Week3     Week4
Broad Beans (1st planting)         x
Garlic                                          x                x
Green manures                            x                x                 x               x


02 April 2016

Sat 9 April - 3 to 4pm - Autumn food swap and Gardening catchup

West Hobart gardeners are invited to come along to an end of summer catchup, to swap seeds, fruit and vegies, and to enjoy a cup of tea.
  • Come along to 67 Newdegate Street, at 3pm on Saturday 9 April.

  •  Have a cuppa with us

  • Meet fellow gardeners and compare gardening notes.
  • If you can, bring some surplus fruit and veg from your garden or cellar to swap or share.

Afternoon tea will be provided (and you're welcome to bring along a contribution!).  Some of us may be rediscovering flax weaving (or not).

Your hosts will be Robert, Di and Margaret, and we're looking forward to seeing you there.

27 March 2016

Community Garden Competition this Spring - get ready!

Irrepressible West Hobart resident Cynthia Archer is organising a community Spring Garden competition for West Hobart.  Prizes will be awarded at a garden party to be held on Saturday 5 November, at Lawrenny Court, 131 Hill St.

Possible awards could include:
* Best Rose Garden
* Most Colourful Spring Garden (Large)
* Most Colourful Spring Garden (Small)
* Best Tasmanian Native Garden
* Most Productive Garden (Seniors)
* Most Productive Garden (Juniors)

The competition is supported by: West Hobart Neighbourhood Watch; Southern Cross Care, and WHEN.

Cynthia is keen to receive suggestions on other possible awards and any other ideas you might have for the event.  You can call her on 62310928.

I'm going to suggest Best Shared (Street) Productive Garden.

12 March 2016

Safer streets are coming

A broad coalition of West Hobart residents and community representatives made strong  presentations to the West Hobart Residents Traffic Committee on 23 February and also to the City Infrastructure Committee (CIC) on 24 February.  The Residents Traffic Committee and the residents who made representations to the CIC strongly supported the recommendations of the recent external consultants' report (see details here).   In addition, Cate Sumner (representing the schools community) noted that installation of an "unstaffed" children's crossing could be endorsed by the Commissioner Transport in the vicinity of the train park, where the speed limit is 40 kph.

The Aldermen of the CIC were generally sympathetic to the concerns of the residents, but several  had some concerns about installing traffic lights at the proposed locations.  The CIC's recommendation to the full Council was (in a nutshell) to accept the recommendations made by Council staff and to bring forward the proposed extra median lanes and improvements to existing crossing points along Hill St to the next financial year, and also to progress the installation of the children's crossing near the train park.

Example of a more pedestrian-oriented crossing.
 These recommendations went to the full Council last Monday 7 March for further discussion and a decision.  Alderman Anna Reynolds strongly advocated for the installation of traffic lights at the corner of Hill and Arthur Streets in order to provide safe crossing points for our older and younger residents, and was successful in getting approval for this.

The final approved motion was as follows:



1. The recommendations of the consultant report titled West Hobart Local Area Traffic Investigation – Final Report, marked as Attachment A to item 5 of the Open City Infrastructure Committee agenda of 24 February 2016, be supported in-principle and the following actions be undertaken:

(i) A workshop be convened with stakeholders in relation to the West Hobart pedestrian environment.

(ii) The Department of State Growth be requested to establish Statewide warrants for the installation of pedestrian crossings within Tasmania.

(iii) The Council write to the Department of State Growth requesting that consideration be given to the installation of an unsupervised children’s crossing in Hill Street in the 40km/h zone near Caldew Park.

(iv) Median lanes and median islands be installed in Hill Street between Allison Street and Patrick Street and between Hamilton Street and Warwick Street, in 2016/2017 following the development of concept designs and community engagement.

 (v) A review be undertaken following the installation of the median islands and pedestrian crossings in Hill Street.

(vi) Concept design development and consultation be undertaken with directly affected residents in 2016/2017 to provide more generous pedestrian crossings in Hill Street where refuge islands are already provided.

(vii) Approach the State Government to install traffic signals at the intersection of Arthur & Hill Streets and consider submitting a Blackspot Program application in 2016 to support the installation of signals at this location.

(viii) That temporary treatments be used in the short-term to test the pedestrian crossing and median island measures (ie tactical urbanism).

2. The West Hobart Resident Traffic Committee, Lansdowne Crescent Primary School, The Friends School, Taroona High School, Lawrenny Court, businesses along Hill Street and those people who participated in the consultation conducted by MRCagney, be advised of the Council’s decision.

29 February 2016

The garden in March

Here are Greg's March planting notes - can't believe it is time to plant broad beans already!  Might wait a bit for mine. 
My tomatoes are still going; they are yummy though there are not enough to bottle. I'll buy some local tomatoes for that - it's a point of honour for me to use my bottled local tomatoes in soups and pasta sauces over winter. The basil is going to seed so I'll save some and try growing from seed next year. 
Greg is selling yum toms for $3.50 /kg and slightly blemished ones for sauce etc for $2.50 /kg.
Contact him on email sumbodyelse@bigpond.com  or phone 62310707

And don't forget Elizabeth Lelong's wonderful seedling and plant sales every Sunday, in Petty Street, in Eve's Garden.

If Greg sells out, you can also get sauce and heirloom tomatoes from Anne-Marie Mobbs, a market gardener at Cambridge.  Contact her on  0428 444247.
Have you had a good summer in your garden?

Cynthia from Lawrenny Court is keen to organise a West Hobart Spring garden competition for some community gardening fun. She needs some help so if you would like to join a planning team, email me at the WHEN GAF address with your phone number and I will pass that on to Cynthia.

Best wishes

MARCH Week 1 Week 2 Week 3      Week 4
Broad Beans (1st planting) x
Spinach x

20 February 2016

West Hobart Local Area Traffic Investigation (take 2)

We shared some info about the report by MRCagney in our last blog post.

As an update, the report is coming back to the Council's Infrastructure Committee this coming Wednesday 25 Feb (5.30pm, Lady Osborne Room, Town Hall).

WHEN's submission to Council in respect of the report, in summary is:

The West Hobart Environment Network represents West Hobartians who love their quiet, attractive, friendly community.  People love the quiet pace, the views, the proximity to local schools and popular corner stores, the proximity (easy walking and cycling distance) to the CBD for work and shopping.  We have celebrated West Hobart as a walking precinct in our map “Walking West Hobart’.

However the combination of a relatively high speed limit on the roads (50 kph) and the slow but steady entrenchment of a “rat-run” through the middle of the community from the northern suburbs to the CBD is starting to fray the integrity of the community, creating stress for parents of school age children and inducing fear for older and less agile residents.  

On Tuesday 16 February WHEN members made a manual count at one location on this route, to get a better sense of the nature of the problem.   This was on the south side of the roundabout at Lansdowne Cres/Hill St/Patrick St.  These are the results:

All vehicles passing
Pedestrians crossing
Morning commuter peak hour
After school period

We didn’t count the evening commuter peak (1630-1730) but would assume that it is similar to the morning commuter peak.   

For comparison, our manual one-off count on an ordinary week day is of the same order as the count quoted in the MRCagney Report and based on data provided by the Council (i.e. 1308 AM peak hour, 1335 PM peak hour).   

Our views on this are:

-         This volume and speed of traffic is totally inappropriate for a quiet residential area, where we would like to be able to encourage children to walk and cycle to school and where older residents with declining acuities need to cross the road to get to the shops and back.

-         The noise, smell and sense of tension around this fast moving stream of traffic creates an undesirable environment in a residential area.

-         Many of these trips by car could be eliminated if commuters had better options via public transport, bike paths, and if parents could safely let their children walk or ride to school on their own.

It was these issues that Steve Burgess was asked to consider and propose some solutions for.  Of the recommendations of the MR Cagney report “West Hobart Local Area Traffic Investigation”, we support:

1.       The main recommendation i.e. the installation of traffic signals at the corner of Hill and Arthur Streets, and at the corner of Lansdowne Cres, Hill St and Patrick St.  Because:

o   These will create clearly visible and attractive safe crossing points for pedestrians both old and young at two important and busy crossing points on Hill Street.

o   The resultant “platooning” effect on cars traversing Hill Street will create regular quiet traffic patches along the route so it will be easier and safer for children, parents with prams, and older citizens to pick their opportunities to cross the road.

o   Controlled traffic lights provide a safer intersection experience for cyclists, who are intimidated and squeezed off the road by faster moving vehicles at roundabouts.

o   The “subjective safety” experience for pedestrians and cyclists will be improved all the way along Hill Street.

o   The proposed lights will also improve the safety for car drivers at each of these locations, given the difficult sight lines down Arthur St at the Hill/Arthur St intersection and the propensity of drivers at the Hill/Patrick intersection to maintain high speeds through the current roundabout.

2.       The installation of improved, safer pedestrian crossings at other points along Hill Street, which create a stronger invitation for pedestrians to cross and signal more strongly to drivers that people have a right to cross at this point.  The design to be as described in the Local Retail Precincts Project report. 

3.       The development of local guidelines on the installation of Zebra and raised Zebra (or Wombat) crossings.

4.       Increased mixed use in residential areas such as West Hobart, to create local employment and more destinations for people to walk and ride to.

5.       Increased residential density in residential areas such as West Hobart, to reduce urban sprawl and make active transport (walking & cycling) and public transport more viable.

It would be great if other residents could make written submissions to the Committee members about the MRCagney report and its recommendations. If you would like to, and need any assistance, pls contact Di at whenvnet@gmail.com.  

If you would like to come to the Committee meeting and make a verbal presentation to the Committee, we strongly encourage you to do so, as these personal representations can be very powerful. You will need to seek the permission of the Chair of the Committee in advance.  Once again, contact Di for assistance with how to do this.