19 December 2010
Solar Hot Water Heaters - Eco Tasmania
EcoTasmania is a Hobart-based company providing the Apricus evacuated tube solar hot water heaters. The company developed out of the bulk buying project of the Waterworks Valley Community, a sister group of WHEN. Their website has lots of useful stuff to help with your decisionmaking. Looks like the place to start when thinking about moving to solar hot water!
01 December 2010
'A city with people in mind'
This evening in Sandy Bay, Jan Gehl (of Gehl Architects, who have been commissioned by the council to provide a development plan for the area directly surrounding the Hobart CBD) gave a public lecture on the fruits of the research conducted by his firm over the past year.
In it, he addressed many significant issues--from traffic and accessibility, to 'greening the urban' and sense of community.
Provide above is a link to the Hobart City Council website, from which the results of Professor's Gehl's research may be downloaded and digested.
It is our responsibility as members of the greater Hobart community to be aware, informed, and engaged in the process of transforming our urban center, so as to ensure harmony between our public spaces and our personal ethos.
29 November 2010
Walk Score website
Found on the web:
Walk Score (www.WalkScore.com) is the leading measure of walkability. It works on any address and gives you a score and a map of nearby stores, restaurants, schools, parks, etc.
The designers of this website are clearly in touch with sustainability values. They say:
Walkable neighborhoods offer surprising benefits to the environment, our health, our finances, and our communities.
Environment: Cars are a leading cause of climate change. Your feet are zero-pollution transportation machines.
Health: The average resident of a walkable neighborhood weighs 7 pounds less than someone who lives in a sprawling neighborhood.1
Finances: One point of Walk Score is worth up to $3,000 of value for your property. Read the research report.
Communities: Studies show that for every 10 minutes a person spends in a daily car commute, time spent in community activities falls by 10%.
The Walking West Hobart map group will take a good look at this tool to see how it can help with our project.
18 November 2010
The Sharehood
The Sharehood was referred to us by new member Colin. This is what The Sharehood says it is about:
Perhaps this might be a useful way for West Hobartians to connect and share goods and services etc with each other?
Green Traders
A new group has been set up to make it easier to share goods. Here's what they say:
Somewhere in the world, for a multitude of reasons, a fruit tree overburdened with deliciously ripe fruit rots and withers away, without a soul to eat it. Whilst somewhere in the world, for a multitude of reasons, someone goes hungry and cries, without a soul to help feed them.
We saw a void that we wanted to help fill and thus, Green Traders was born. In this world with ever increasing costs, everyday there are people that have to go without. Imagine how amazing it will be to trade green products such as fruit, vegetables, eggs, manure, seedlings and compost with others. This is Recycling at its very best and is a wonderful way to help the environment.
By reusing products that you do not need or want it will allow for less packaging and therefore less wastage. By giving away or trading what you do not use or want, you will be helping your fellow mankind. This will also give you a great sense of community, knowing that you are assisting people within your own neighbourhood.
This way of communicating and sharing could be very useful for getting (or getting rid of) gardening or household goods.... Check it out, at:
Walking West Hobart map project - update
The Walking West Hobart map working group has met again to look at several excellent maps provided by the Hobart City Council.
I have created a Google "My Map" which looks like a pretty accessible way for people to contribute ideas. Here is the link.
Have a go, it's fairly easy to add shortcuts etc that you know about.
Current ideas are that perhaps this "My Map" could be the online version of the Walking West Hobart map, and that we could use the information gathered here to create a printed paper map for on the street enjoyment!
Also Maria and John have created a Tassie Urban Walks website to showcase urban walks
We can use this site to publicise particularly lovely walks around West Hobart. Please contribute ideas to this page too!
So, plenty of ideas, and your input is welcome.
13 October 2010
Walking West Hobart map - Meeting 13 October 2010
Tonight Margaret convened a meeting of the Walking West Hobart Map working group, held at Anne's. Present were: John and Maria, Helene, Di, John and Carol, and Suzanne.
Margaret and Di outlined some background of the project, and there was some enthusiastic discussion of the objectives of the project. These include: to encourage residents to walk, to enjoy what West Hobart has to offer, to connect more with each other, to improve health, to reduce dependence on the car, to identify little known shortcuts and to publicise them. Perhaps in summary it is about celebrating West Hobart and promoting walking.
The group discussed the geographic scope of the project. It was felt that it would be wise to focus on West Hobart in order to keep the project manageable. When this is complete we may be able to extend the concept into Sandy Bay and Lenah Valley in the future.
Many good ideas about what to show on the map were thrown in, such as : shortcuts, walking times, fruit trees, views, bus stops, safe street crossings, contours, shortest routes to (State Cinema, etc), bike paths, parks, seats, toilets, points of interest, coffee shops, "park and walk", alerts for steps or non-pram-friendly paths. People had some good ideas for improved signage of shortcuts including adding signs to "No Through Road" signposts. Quite a few shortcuts and rights of way have already been contributed by Paul and several were suggested tonight.
It is likely that we will make a version of the map available online, but printed maps will definitely be produced. There will be some thinking to do about what size and shape the printed maps could be.
Where to next:
Margaret will see whether Hobart City Council's mapping department can provide large and detailed maps that already show some shortcuts and rights of way. She will also enquire as to what level of support they can offer towards graphic design and production.
The group will meet again on Monday 25 October to start mapping ideas directly onto a map, 7.30pm at John and Carol's. Contact Margaret for details if you would like to come along.
There will be more meetings to refine the map and to consult with more residents to gather more ideas. One idea is to showcase the map at the Back To West Hobart day in May 2011.
Margaret and Di outlined some background of the project, and there was some enthusiastic discussion of the objectives of the project. These include: to encourage residents to walk, to enjoy what West Hobart has to offer, to connect more with each other, to improve health, to reduce dependence on the car, to identify little known shortcuts and to publicise them. Perhaps in summary it is about celebrating West Hobart and promoting walking.
The group discussed the geographic scope of the project. It was felt that it would be wise to focus on West Hobart in order to keep the project manageable. When this is complete we may be able to extend the concept into Sandy Bay and Lenah Valley in the future.
Many good ideas about what to show on the map were thrown in, such as : shortcuts, walking times, fruit trees, views, bus stops, safe street crossings, contours, shortest routes to (State Cinema, etc), bike paths, parks, seats, toilets, points of interest, coffee shops, "park and walk", alerts for steps or non-pram-friendly paths. People had some good ideas for improved signage of shortcuts including adding signs to "No Through Road" signposts. Quite a few shortcuts and rights of way have already been contributed by Paul and several were suggested tonight.
It is likely that we will make a version of the map available online, but printed maps will definitely be produced. There will be some thinking to do about what size and shape the printed maps could be.
Where to next:
Margaret will see whether Hobart City Council's mapping department can provide large and detailed maps that already show some shortcuts and rights of way. She will also enquire as to what level of support they can offer towards graphic design and production.
The group will meet again on Monday 25 October to start mapping ideas directly onto a map, 7.30pm at John and Carol's. Contact Margaret for details if you would like to come along.
There will be more meetings to refine the map and to consult with more residents to gather more ideas. One idea is to showcase the map at the Back To West Hobart day in May 2011.
09 October 2010
Green Moves Australia
If you want to sell or lease your home, you can list on the Green Property List as long as your house meets a sustainability test. Read all about it at: Green Moves Australia.
Did you know Mandatory Disclosure is coming in May 2011?
This means you must disclose your home's energy efficiency at point of sale or rent from May 2011 onwards. This company also provides more information about what this is all about, and offers guidance on how you can improve your home's sustainability features.22 September 2010
Solar Hot Water Forum 2008
From the WHEN archives: We had a very worthwhile Solar Hot Water Forum in 2008 with about 75 people attending. Thank you very much to all who were involved in making the day such a success. Six suppliers attended the event and five of them have offered discounts to those who were there or who are members of WHEN. Please let them know that you are from the group if you contact them.
Here are the details of the offers (in alphabetical order).
Mark Rickard,
6224 0166
I am happy to offer 5% discount off the quoted system prices to all WHEN members, and if 10 or more systems are ordered by members of your group, then I will rebate to you a further 5%. To get much more than 10% I would need to get a sizeable order - for maybe around 30 or so systems, I could give 15%. There's not that much margin in them, particularly as I already give 5% from each system to Eco Tasmania the not-for-profit, who use that money for lobbying, education, etc.
See: http://www.apricus.com.au/ for details about the Apricus systems.
Neil Edney,
Ultimate Hot Water Pty Ltd
Ultimate Hot Water Pty Ltd
We can offer $100 off the installation price. For orders of 5 we can offer a $200 discount off the RRP per system and this can be paid using our Easy Pay Plan or payment on completion. For orders of 10 or more systems we can offer a discount of $400 per system with payment via cash, cheque, visa or mastercard only.
See : http://www.ecosmart.com.au/ for details about the Ecosmart systems.
Mal Blood,
Sackett Services,
37 Derwent Park Road,
Derwent Park
Sackett Services,
37 Derwent Park Road,
Derwent Park
6272 7776
I am offering a special price of $500 dollars off the normal system price for group members.
See : http://www.hillssolar.com.au/arbitrage/pages/Home for details about the Hills Solar systems.
Solahart is offering a $400 discount until the 30 September 2008. Also, if you can get at least a group of three people to buy and install three systems in one street within two days there can be savings of about $1000 per group off of the installation price.
See: http://www.solahart.com.au/default.asp? for details about the Solahart systems.
Rob Manson,
Electricians Shed,
45 Burnett Street,
North Hobart
Electricians Shed,
45 Burnett Street,
North Hobart
6231 0002
Yes, we can offer discounts for bulk purchases. Please have any one interested contact me via email or phone or come into our shop.
See: http://www.sunplussolar.com.au/ for details about the Sunplus Solar systems.
Remember the responsibility is yours to check out the pluses and minuses of the various systems. Please send me an email if you would like a copy of a sheet containing buying tips.
JohnMaking our Homes Sustainable
John Carpenter, convener (6231 6349)
Carol Graham
John Hunter
Cindy Hull
Tricia Viera
Justin Welch
Carol Graham
John Hunter
Cindy Hull
Tricia Viera
Justin Welch
The group welcomes new members.
As their next activity, the group is looking at running a demo home energy efficiency audit in someone's home and possibly doing another forum around rainwater tanks. If you would like to offer your home as the venue for the home audit or if you are interested in being part of the rainwater tank forum team, please contact John on 6231 6349.
09 September 2010
Peak Oil Community Workshop, 18 September 2010
Join us in a vibrant discussion with people of like mind. Help strengthen our community response to Peak Oil and Climate Change. Workshop on Saturday, 18th September , Philip Smith Education Centre 1 - 4 pm . Soup, bisquits, tea and coffee provided. Donations greatly appreciated. RSVP info@sustainablelivingtasmania.org.au or phone 62345566 .
04 September 2010
Sustainable House Day 2010 - Sunday, 12 September 10- 4pm
The Australian Solar Energy Society invites you to visit five sustainable homes in Southern Tasmania - in Acton, Howrah, Sandford, Lower Snug and Woodbridge. This is a good opportunity to see how other Tasmanians are tackling how to make their homes more energy conservative. You can see how it looks in practice and ask the owners how they did it!
Source Wholefoods Coop is also open on the day, to show off its strawbale construction and other features!
There are some details about these houses and information on opening times on www.sustainablehouseday.com
Source Wholefoods Coop is also open on the day, to show off its strawbale construction and other features!
There are some details about these houses and information on opening times on www.sustainablehouseday.com
03 September 2010
Southern Tasmania Energy Descent Action Planning Workshop with Transition Tasmania
Saturday, 18 September 10-4pm @ Phillip Smith Centre, Glebe
WHEN members will be attending this important workshop. Join us and others from similar groups in Southern Tasmania to start tackling some of the bigger issues around Transition. Its all about stepping up the impetus that is already driving us - the need to rapidly develop community and personal resilience in the face of a very uncertain future. Many are concerned that energy prices are due to rocket within 5 years and that this will place immense hardships on not only the Tasmnaian economy, but also on communities and individuals. Simply put: We are not Ready! With this in mind, Sustainable Living Tasmania in concert with Transition Tasmania invites you to a one day stimulating workshop to explore this theme.
Many people throughout the State are doing inspirational things, but at the same time we also need to challenge our own comfort zones. We need to find smart ways to accelerate our activities and draw in the broader community at a much faster reate. Tasmania needs to have an Energy Defence strategy in place. Please do join us. See the attached flyer for the program and further info.
Please RSVP by email to lissa@sustainablelivingtasmania.org.au or call 6234 5566.
WHEN members will be attending this important workshop. Join us and others from similar groups in Southern Tasmania to start tackling some of the bigger issues around Transition. Its all about stepping up the impetus that is already driving us - the need to rapidly develop community and personal resilience in the face of a very uncertain future. Many are concerned that energy prices are due to rocket within 5 years and that this will place immense hardships on not only the Tasmnaian economy, but also on communities and individuals. Simply put: We are not Ready! With this in mind, Sustainable Living Tasmania in concert with Transition Tasmania invites you to a one day stimulating workshop to explore this theme.
Many people throughout the State are doing inspirational things, but at the same time we also need to challenge our own comfort zones. We need to find smart ways to accelerate our activities and draw in the broader community at a much faster reate. Tasmania needs to have an Energy Defence strategy in place. Please do join us. See the attached flyer for the program and further info.
Please RSVP by email to lissa@sustainablelivingtasmania.org.au or call 6234 5566.
01 September 2010
Sandy Bay Walking and Cycling Project - public comment period
Submissions in response to the proposed Sandy Bay Walking and Cycling Project close Fri 3 Sept!!
This is your last chance to provide feedback to Hobart Council on the proposed Sandy Bay Rd bicycle project which aims to provide a traffic-free and comfortable place for all sorts of people to ride their bikes (including families and children) with complete separation from motor vehicles. Walkers will have their own footpath adjacent to the protected bike lane. Let Hobart Council know there is support for this project by filling in an on-line form.
This is your last chance to provide feedback to Hobart Council on the proposed Sandy Bay Rd bicycle project which aims to provide a traffic-free and comfortable place for all sorts of people to ride their bikes (including families and children) with complete separation from motor vehicles. Walkers will have their own footpath adjacent to the protected bike lane. Let Hobart Council know there is support for this project by filling in an on-line form.
28 August 2010
World Sunlight Map
Here is a link to a detailed story of implementation of a large photovoltaic system in Canberra. The owner has been generous in telling his story, including the calculations he made, installation issues, and ongoing analysis of performance. He now reports that he is achieving a 10 per cent return on his investment. Conditions there would be comparable to Hobart?
And this is a fun toy:
And this is a fun toy:
26 August 2010
West Hobart residents vote for climate change solutions
I was interested to see how many WH residents voted "green" in the Federal election on 21 August 2010.
Based on these assumptions:
1. That votes cast in West Hobart booths were largely from West Hobart residents (some would be from other suburbs of Denison) (while some WH residents would vote in other parts of Denison or elsewhere); and
2. That, based on policy platforms alone, votes cast for Greens (Geoff Couser), Independent (Andrew Wilkie), Socialist Alliance (Mel Barnes) represent active votes for urgent solutions to Climate Change;
I calculate that 53.7% of residents voted for Federal Govt action on climate change!!!!!
By Booth:
Elizabeth College, N Hobart (on border) 55.6%
Hobart West, Goulburn St School 61.4%
Lansdowne Cres Primary School 53.2%
Newdegate, Lawrenny Court 47.4%
St Peters, cnr Bris & Harrington Sts 56.4%
Swan St, N Hobart (on border) 52.2%
Total (3338 out of 6214) 53.7%
I'm sure this is a big increase from last election, has anyone had a look at that?
Based on these assumptions:
1. That votes cast in West Hobart booths were largely from West Hobart residents (some would be from other suburbs of Denison) (while some WH residents would vote in other parts of Denison or elsewhere); and
2. That, based on policy platforms alone, votes cast for Greens (Geoff Couser), Independent (Andrew Wilkie), Socialist Alliance (Mel Barnes) represent active votes for urgent solutions to Climate Change;
I calculate that 53.7% of residents voted for Federal Govt action on climate change!!!!!
By Booth:
Elizabeth College, N Hobart (on border) 55.6%
Hobart West, Goulburn St School 61.4%
Lansdowne Cres Primary School 53.2%
Newdegate, Lawrenny Court 47.4%
St Peters, cnr Bris & Harrington Sts 56.4%
Swan St, N Hobart (on border) 52.2%
Total (3338 out of 6214) 53.7%
I'm sure this is a big increase from last election, has anyone had a look at that?
09 July 2010
How do I insulate the walls of my old house?
Many of us have insulated our ceilings and floors, but what do we do about our weatherboard walls??? Up to 25% of heat loss is through the walls, and an even greater percentage once the ceilings and floors are done!
Waterworks Valley community group has produced an excellent pamphlet describing how it is possible to retrofit insulation into the walls of an existing building. There are ways to insulate from the inside and also from the outside! This pamphlet gives tips on what to avoid, and names some useful suppliers in the Hobart area.
07 July 2010
Sustainable transport: free public lecture, 10 August
This lecture is presented by the Tasmanian Office of Climate Change as part of its Blue Sky Series. Dr Lee Schipper, Nobel Peace Prize winner 2007, will talk about sustainable transport solutions in the Tasmanian and global context. 10 August at 5.30pm at the Stanley Burbury Centre, Sandy Bay campus, Hobart.
03 July 2010
Healthy Transport Hobart
This group, Healthy Transport Hobart, must be the definitive group promoting bicycle riding and facilities in Hobart. They are very active, organising the regular Critical Mass bike rides and publicising great activities and initiatives. They also have lot of links to other related groups. Check it out!
02 June 2010
South Hobart Solstice Savers - Public Meeting - Monday 21 June 6:30-8:30pm
Come along to this Winter Solstice community event and identify savings that can be easily made on your power bills. The South Hobart Sustainable Community has collected the best tips and advice from local energy assessors and experts, and will demonstrate a range of hi tech through to low cost DIY actions that target the most energy consuming components of your power bill. Features will include thermal imaging and air exchange measurements, household energy meter purchase, hot water cylinder improvements, DIY auditing kits, standby savers, heater efficiencies, downlight dilemmas, power bill analysis, climate friendly pledge, government rebates, and power bill analyses (bring your aurora bills with you).
Door prize – Win the inaugural South Hobart Ecoblitz. Local energy assessors will work with you in your home to identify the best energy savings and arrange a working bee to retrofit these changes – where appropriate. $200 of materials included. Sign up to be involved in future Ecoblitz at the meeting. Gold coin donation appreciated. Gluwein and supper provided.
Come along to St Francis Xavier Church Hall – corner of Anglesea and Adelaide St, South Hobart (under church).
Door prize – Win the inaugural South Hobart Ecoblitz. Local energy assessors will work with you in your home to identify the best energy savings and arrange a working bee to retrofit these changes – where appropriate. $200 of materials included. Sign up to be involved in future Ecoblitz at the meeting. Gold coin donation appreciated. Gluwein and supper provided.
Come along to St Francis Xavier Church Hall – corner of Anglesea and Adelaide St, South Hobart (under church).
20 May 2010
WANTED: Part-time manager/entrepreneur - Urban Food Garden Demo Site
Source Community Wholefoods Coop is inviting expressions of interest
"from persons interested in developing and managing the sustainable food production display garden adjacent to our food retail premises in Sandy Bay, Hobart. The primary objective for this garden is the demonstration of viable urban food production and the provision of hands-on education to community members, on an accessible and financially sustainable basis. If you have horticultural experience at a managerial level, as well as experience working with volunteers, we would like to hear from you. We particularly invite inquiries from persons with an entrepreneurial nature who would be comfortable with sharing risks and rewards. The size of the opportunity is largely up to you, but we would expect a minimum commitment of around 6hrs per week. The Source Board has identified four potential models for the management role".
Contact source.wholefoods@gmail.com by 5pm Friday 11 June, 2010 to get more information about the proposed management roles, to submit your EOI or to find out more information.
"from persons interested in developing and managing the sustainable food production display garden adjacent to our food retail premises in Sandy Bay, Hobart. The primary objective for this garden is the demonstration of viable urban food production and the provision of hands-on education to community members, on an accessible and financially sustainable basis. If you have horticultural experience at a managerial level, as well as experience working with volunteers, we would like to hear from you. We particularly invite inquiries from persons with an entrepreneurial nature who would be comfortable with sharing risks and rewards. The size of the opportunity is largely up to you, but we would expect a minimum commitment of around 6hrs per week. The Source Board has identified four potential models for the management role".
Contact source.wholefoods@gmail.com by 5pm Friday 11 June, 2010 to get more information about the proposed management roles, to submit your EOI or to find out more information.
19 May 2010
Support a community garden in Lindisfarne
We have been asked to help support a group in Lindisfarne to persuade Aldermen on Clarence Council that a community garden at Beltana Park, Lindisfarne, is a great way to revitalise the Lindisfarne community. The group's long-term aim is to become a permanent group that focuses on sustainable living and building the Lindisfarne community. They say:
A community garden, centrally located at Beltana Park, Lindisfarne, would enable both local residents without a garden to grow their own vegies and local Lindisfarne schools to teach students how to grow fresh produce. A Beltana Community Garden would revitalise the village and reconnect young and old with others in the area. Please visit the Lindisfarne Community Garden Group web site at www.lindisfarnecommunitygarden.info and sign our electronic petition. Signatures from people outside Clarence are very welcome. For more information call Max Bahrfeldt on 0407 335843.
A community garden, centrally located at Beltana Park, Lindisfarne, would enable both local residents without a garden to grow their own vegies and local Lindisfarne schools to teach students how to grow fresh produce. A Beltana Community Garden would revitalise the village and reconnect young and old with others in the area. Please visit the Lindisfarne Community Garden Group web site at www.lindisfarnecommunitygarden.info and sign our electronic petition. Signatures from people outside Clarence are very welcome. For more information call Max Bahrfeldt on 0407 335843.
16 May 2010
Sustainable House Day 2010
Sunday 12th September 2010
10am - 4pm
Locations all around Australia!!!
It's only 120 days until Sustainable House Day 2010. On this day, around Australia, we can visit green homes & talk to their owners. What a great idea! WHEN will be keeping in touch with this event and we'll provide more details closer to the day here on our blogpage.
Details and pictures of last year's green homes can be found on the SHMECO website (www.shmeco.com). And if you join SHMECO you can share your sustainability stories with, and get advice from, lots of other interested people.
If you have a house with sustainable features which others may be interested in, pls think about registering your house to take part in Sustainable House Day 2010.
10am - 4pm
Locations all around Australia!!!
It's only 120 days until Sustainable House Day 2010. On this day, around Australia, we can visit green homes & talk to their owners. What a great idea! WHEN will be keeping in touch with this event and we'll provide more details closer to the day here on our blogpage.
Details and pictures of last year's green homes can be found on the SHMECO website (www.shmeco.com). And if you join SHMECO you can share your sustainability stories with, and get advice from, lots of other interested people.
If you have a house with sustainable features which others may be interested in, pls think about registering your house to take part in Sustainable House Day 2010.
26 April 2010
Minutes of GAF Gathering, held 17th April
Present: Caroline Evans, Helene Guillong, Nick Hobbs, Freya Sant, Yves Sant, Pragati Jain, Miriam Herzfeld, Annie March, Julie Payne, Paul Turvey, Anne Bliss
Apologies: Chantelle Delrue, Margaret Steadman, Suzanne Cooper
Produce Exchange: It was decided to keep this going weekly at present in the same venue and then review in the next four weeks. There has been good attendance recently and always lively discussions. The volunteer roster has been a challenge to maintain and it was agreed that we trial having everyone responsible for making sure that all produce is cleared away at the end of the exchange.
GAF Links with WHEN’s (West Hobart environment Network) web/blog/site (westhobartenvet.blogspot.com). WHEN’s new interactive website has a Garden and Food section which anyone can add comments, discussion threads etc… thanks to Paul’s enthusiasm and expertise. Paul has offered to upload the Minutes of GAF meetings, events, recipes, photos and other matters of interest onto the website. One of GAF’s members (Christine) has created a map and list of organic local produce outlets in Hobart. Many thanks Christine – a ‘standing ovation’ to you! Again this can be put on to the website.
Membership Renewal: Miriam will send out a notice to all GAF members regarding this together with a questionnaire/survey on GAF’s activities.
Role of committee: Current committee members are Annie Marsh, Caroline Evans, Miriam Hertfeld and Pragiti Jain. Members connect when necessary. Others welcome to join - please contact Annie if you are interested. Roles of chair/facilitator and minute-taker rotate at meetings and are open to all attending.
Sustainability in Action Project: GAF supports this initiative to connect with surrounding sustainability groups but awaits further details from Margaret on the proposal.
Winter Activities: Enthusiastic discussion evolved around the following inspirations:
- Diet and Climate Change - Following in the foot steps of Ghent (Belgium), everyone to bring a dish to a vegetarian feast once a month.
- Progressive Dinner - to celebrate the Solstice on 21st June. Miriam and committee to organize.
- Bread-making - for those who missed out on Annie’s super-duper no knead bread-making afternoon.
- Musical Activites – bring an instrument, a song or a dance!
- Winter Walks - with special topics of interest including local food-foraging forays, historic ambles, exploring art galleries and mulling it all over with a hot chocolate.
- Living Simply - home based discussion group sharing ideas on the ever-complex (!) topic of how to simplify our lives. Linking this with issues of sustainability and social justice.
Community Garden: It is hoped to establish a Community Garden on some land off Molle Street (Pigeon Hole Cafe interested in this). There is also substantial north facing land near the Warwick Street Mosque. Annie has offered to approach Connections to feel out possibilities. GAF would like to support any individuals wanting to start up a Community Garden.
The Meeting was followed by an ample produce exchange and yummy autumnal feast with a highlight being Helene’s scrumptious apple pie, that brought many requests for the recipe!
2. Helene's Recipe
Here my try to translate the recipe and how to lit a fire from above:
Apfelwähe (~Apple tart) (26 cm diameter baking tray)
150 g plain flour
½ teespoon salt
50 g butter (unsalted or salt reduced)
4-5 tablespoons cold water
1 tablespoon hazelnut meal
about 4 apples
1 dl milk (about 0.5 cup)
1 egg
1 taplespoon sugar
Put flour and salt in a bowl. Cut butter in flakes, add it to the flour and comminute until smooth. Make a hole, put water in it and bring dough together. Wrap in cling film and place it in the fridge for half an hour.
Roll out the crust so that it fit in your baking tray. Take a fork and poke holes in the bottom of the crust. Sprinkle hazelnut meal on the crust. Cut apples in pieces and make a nice pattern. Bake it at 250 degree in the lower part of the oven. Meanwhile mix milk, egg and sugar and poor it after 15 minutes over the apples. Bake it for another 10-15 minutes.
En Guete (Swiss German for enjoy your meal)!
Enough smoke in the air from the bushfires?
Learn how you to light a fire from above in the fire place with less smoke and emissions. Sorry it is in German, but the pictures are quiet clear. It is important to use dry wood without any chemical treatment.
Helene Guillong
3. Ten Conditions of Love
The ABC has scheduled the outstanding Australian-produced documentary about Uighur leader Rebiya Kadeer, The 10 Conditions of Love, to screen at 9.30pm on 6 May.
I launched this film with Ms Kadeer at the Melbourne International Film Festival last year. Its screening provoked a storm of protest from China and caused a worldwide sensation. I was very concerned to hear the ABC had pulled the documentary from its scheduled screening of December last year and so questioned officials about it at the recent Estimates hearings in February. The ABC officials assured me it was not because of pressure from China and I am very pleased to see that following that hearing they have now found a spot for the film in their schedule. The documentary is a wonderfully inspiring and sobering portrait of a courageous woman and the struggles her and her family have endured to enjoy the same democratic rights you and I do. I thoroughly recommend it to you all.
Bob Brown
4. Not too late to object to the proposed Bottle Shop
Somebody omitted to ensure that there was a notice erected at the BP service station advertising the application for the bottle shop had been submitted.
To overcome this oversight, The Liquor Licensing Board has caused a notice to be erected and a further time for submissions has been allowed.
For those who missed round 1, objections may be submitted up to 28 April. Be quick!
The license application can still be viewed at http://westhobart.org.au/
Kind regards
Paul Turvey
5. Hobart's Winter Feast
It's that time of the year again for Hobart's Winter Feast, a
celebration and fundraiser for Source Community Wholefoods Cooperative
Attached is a poster for more information - however it's on May 22nd,
6pm - 10pm at Wesley Hall on Mellville St.
Tickets are available AS OF FRIDAY 23rd APRIL from Souce, 12 French
St, Sandy Bay OR Eco Haven, 71 Murray St, Hobart
Fully Waged: $25, Concession: $18, Kids under 10: $10, under 2: Free.
Look forward to seeing you there!
Hannah Moloney
0418 307 294
25 April 2010
Annie's No Knead Bread Recipe
Labour-free, foolproof, slow-rise, delectable bread.
- 3 cups bread flour (I use Kialla bread-mix)
- 1 cup seeds and grains (Eumarrah 7 grain mix)
- 1 tsp instant yeast
- 1 tsp salt
- 1½ cups water
- Soft rolled oats
Other hardware required
- Heavy deep baking dish with lid
- Tea-towel or old flour-bag
- With a wooden spoon mix the first 4 ingredients in a good-sized bowl. Add the water and stir till all the flour is absorbed. Cover the bowl and leave the dough to rise at room temperature for 18 hours.
- Flour your work surface. Tip out the dough, dust it with flour, shape it roughly into a square an inch deep, then fold 3 times into a strip 4 by 10 inches. Let it rest for 10 minutes. Rub flour then oats into the tea-towel. Fold the dough into a cube, smooth, then place carefully onto the towel. Cover, and leave in a warm place to rise for 2 hours.
- 30 minutes before the rising’s finished, put the baking dish with its lid into the oven and set at 425 ˚ F. When the oven’s heated, tip the dough carefully into the hot dish, and replace the lid. Bake for 30 minutes, then remove the lid and bake for 20 more minutes until the loaf is rich brown. Put on a rack to cool.
21 April 2010
Loaves and Fishes
We've decided to continue the produce exchange for another month; Saturday 24th April, 1st May, 8th May, 15th May. Same time, same place - under Goulburn Street School's oak-tree between 3.30 and 4.30pm. (This is the oak tree in the centre of the school ground, NOT the tree over the Forest Road car park.)
Since the difficult part of the exchange has been organising a volunteer roster, we're going to experiment with being volunteer-free, and trusting everyone who comes to take responsibility for running it, clearing up etc. Even if you've run out of produce, come and enjoy the company and conversation. The exchange has a 'loaves and fishes' aspect - there's always lots of food to spare.
Enquiries: Annie March 62310378
18 April 2010
From today's Sunday Tasmanian

THERE'S a backyard gardening revolution going on as people reject store-bought fruit and vegetables, gardening guru Colin Campbell says.
Speaking at the Gardening Australia Expo in Brisbane, the ABC-TV presenter said people were growing food at home because of concerns about health, cost and the carbon footprint of produce.
"People are concerned about what they're getting," Mr Campbell said.
"They want to grow things that are fresh.
"This carbon footprint that people talk about when you transport vegetables from one end of the country to the other, by the time it gets to you it's gone through the transport system, the marketing system, the supermarket system.
"Backyard gardening is wonderful for kids, too.
"A lot 'of kids today think that the vegetables materialise on a supermarket shelf." Mr Campbell said he grew up in an era when people grew their own vegetables.
He said a worldwide survey of garden bloggers was topped by people's concerns about growing their own vegetables, and secondly, growing them organically.
"That was way ahead of waterwise gardening and everything else," he said.
10 April 2010
Under the Oak Tree
It was my first visit to the "produce swap" because I'd never really had an abundance of any garden produce before.
I was greeted by a few who had arrived earlier than I and we sat around and chatted.
One by one, others arrived, proudly added their offerings to the array of crisp greenery that was accumulating.
We chatted about the uses of the various vegetables, herbs & fruit, how best to prepare them, what health conditions they improved, which herbs go with what etc.
There was also a discussion about how to make cider! How to juice the apples, what to do about excess pulp, hazards of bottling and the most important question, what does the term "Bottle until ready" really mean!!!
I can't wait till I get something else to take down to swap - but then again, maybe I'll just go down to catch up with my new friends!
28 March 2010
At the film viewing on Sunday afternoon, we viewed the video "The Story of Stuff"
So many resources are used in the manufacture of so many things which get thrown away after so little use.
One way to extend the life of "stuff" is to give it away to others when you have finished with it.
And who would want it? You'd be surprised!
Freecycle is just like eBay but with one major difference - it must be given away for free!
To learn more, here are some links to allow you to check out Freecycle
The Hobart Australia Freecycle (TM) Network is open to all TASMANIANS who want to "recycle" that special something rather than throw it away. Whatever it is -- a chair, a fax machine, a piano or an old door, feel free to post it. Maybe you're looking to acquire something yourself! Nonprofit groups are encouraged to join the network too. One constraint: everything posted MUST BE FREE. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/hobart_Freecycle/******Other Tasmanian Freecycle (TM) groups****** http://www.freecycle.org/group/AU/Tasmania/Kingborough http://au.groups.yahoo.com/group/DerwentValleyFreecycle/ http://groups.yahoo.com/group/BreakODay-Freecycle http://www.freecycle.org/group/AU/Tasmania/Burnie http://www.freecycle.org/group/AU/Tasmania/Devonport http://www.freecycle.org/group/AU/Tasmania/King%20Island http://www.freecycle.org/group/AU/Tasmania/Launceston http://www.freecycle.org/group/AU/Tasmania/West%20Coast%20Council Copyright (C) 2003-2006 The Freecycle Network (Freecycle.org) All rights reserved. Freecycle and the Freecycle logo are trademarks of The Freecycle Network in the United States and/or other countries. |
Yahoo! Groups Links
<*> To visit your group on the web, go to: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/hobart_Freecycle/
<*> Your email settings: Individual Email | Traditional
<*> To change settings online go to: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/hobart_Freecycle/join (Yahoo! ID required)
<*> To change settings via email: hobart_Freecycle-digest@yahoogroups.com hobart_Freecycle-fullfeatured@yahoogroups.com
<*> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: hobart_Freecycle-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com
<*> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to: http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/
27 March 2010
Gardens and Food Group
Numbers have been dropping at the produce exchange of late. Are people running out of produce and steam? Let us know if you think it's worthwhile continuing through April.
Volunteers this Saturday 27th March: Pragiti and Richard.
There will be no exchange on Easter Saturday.
WHEN (West Hobart Environment Network) are screening two films - 'Transition' and 'The Story of Stuff' in the hall at Lansdowne Crescent School on Sunday 28th March at 3pm. westhobartenvnet.blogspot.com
Pumpkin pie and apple scrumpy.
The next GAF meeting, in conjunction with a harvest festival / afternoon tea and a produce exchange, will be hosted on Saturday 17th April by Caroline Evans at 10 Lansdowne Crescent.
"If we planted trees on land currently used to grow the surplus food we waste we could, in theory, offset 100% of human-derived greenhouse gas emissions." Resurgence, March-April 2010.
Annie March 62310378
Volunteers this Saturday 27th March: Pragiti and Richard.
There will be no exchange on Easter Saturday.
WHEN (West Hobart Environment Network) are screening two films - 'Transition' and 'The Story of Stuff' in the hall at Lansdowne Crescent School on Sunday 28th March at 3pm. westhobartenvnet.blogspot.com
Pumpkin pie and apple scrumpy.
The next GAF meeting, in conjunction with a harvest festival / afternoon tea and a produce exchange, will be hosted on Saturday 17th April by Caroline Evans at 10 Lansdowne Crescent.
"If we planted trees on land currently used to grow the surplus food we waste we could, in theory, offset 100% of human-derived greenhouse gas emissions." Resurgence, March-April 2010.
Annie March 62310378
25 March 2010
Some useful energy saving tips from Bob Donovan
As you may be aware, the Green Loans program has been to changed to provide funding for an extra 600,000 home assessments while the actual interest-free loans component of the program is currently suspended.
The following is a link to Aurora’s website, this will enable you to monitor your power usage and identify appliances with high running costs:
I am including a few more links to sources of useful and un-biased information that other people have found valuable. They provide plenty of tips and practical ideas on reducing energy and making your home more sustainable and may prove particularly valuable for you or someone you know were considering renovations or buying a new appliance.
Renovators guide: http://www.yourhome.gov.au/renovatorsguide/index.html
Technical manual for designing a sustainable home: http://www.yourhome.gov.au/technical/index.html
Alternative Technology Association, this group is based in Victoria and has lots of info and links on energy efficiency and design: http://www.ata.org.au/
Fed Governments appliance energy ratings: http://www.energyrating.gov.au/appsearch/default.asp
Free home energy assessments are available and if anyone would like any information you can contact Bob on 6234 1659 or 0401 951 023.
The following is a link to Aurora’s website, this will enable you to monitor your power usage and identify appliances with high running costs:
I am including a few more links to sources of useful and un-biased information that other people have found valuable. They provide plenty of tips and practical ideas on reducing energy and making your home more sustainable and may prove particularly valuable for you or someone you know were considering renovations or buying a new appliance.
Renovators guide: http://www.yourhome.gov.au/renovatorsguide/index.html
Technical manual for designing a sustainable home: http://www.yourhome.gov.au/technical/index.html
Alternative Technology Association, this group is based in Victoria and has lots of info and links on energy efficiency and design: http://www.ata.org.au/
Fed Governments appliance energy ratings: http://www.energyrating.gov.au/appsearch/default.asp
Free home energy assessments are available and if anyone would like any information you can contact Bob on 6234 1659 or 0401 951 023.
15 March 2010
Welcome to WHEN
WHEN members will have received an email recently to invite them to this, our new website. If you would like to join the weblog so that you can post items for discussion or easily respond to an item, just click on this link for directions....
07 March 2010
Come to our next meeting 28 March 2010
Our next meeting will be on Sunday 28th March, 3 pm, in the Lansdowne Crescent School hall, when we will be screening two films: "In Transition" and "The Story of Stuff". Come and find out more about how communities around the world are responding to climate change, and how you could become involved. After the films we will have a cuppa and some discussion on next steps for our group. See you there!!
14 February 2010
HCC Draft Sustainable Transport Strategy
The Hobart City Council currently has a draft Sustainable Transport Strategy open for comment until 1 March 2010 - click on the link above to see it. We will be responding to the draft. If you would like to contribute your thoughts to the WHEN input, please leave some comments below.
Sustainable House Day 2009
West Hobart had several homes included in National Sustainable House Day in 2009. Click on the link above to see one of them.
Neighbourhood Watch Tasmania
Neighbourhood Watch has an active group in West Hobart, holding regular meetings and delivering a regular newsletter to homes.
07 February 2010
06 February 2010
Join our WHEN blog!
WHEN uses this page as our main ongoing channel for keeping people abreast of what the group is up to. You can check this page regularly to see what members are discussing.
This page is actually a "team blog" and all members of the blog can post items for discussion. If you would like to become a member of the team blog, just send your email address to WHEN.
We will then send you the invitation which will take you through the process of registering as a member. If you do not already have a Google account, you will also be taken through the process of setting one up. There are no charges for this.
When you post an item, you will receive an email to let you know whenever anyone posts a comment.
This page is actually a "team blog" and all members of the blog can post items for discussion. If you would like to become a member of the team blog, just send your email address to WHEN.
We will then send you the invitation which will take you through the process of registering as a member. If you do not already have a Google account, you will also be taken through the process of setting one up. There are no charges for this.
When you post an item, you will receive an email to let you know whenever anyone posts a comment.
Weekly Produce Exchange
Just a note to let you know about a WHEN Garden and Food Group event that is coming up soon and which may be of interest to you. It will take place prior to their regular weekly produce exchange.
On February the 13th at 3pm they will be having a demonstration of a solar powered recycled watering system given by Chris Beardall. You can find out more about the concept at www.waterwand.com.au
And in case you are not aware of their produce exchange, here is a recent notice:
Last week we swapped redcurrants, rhubarb, kale, potatoes, broad beans, lettuce, zucchini, apples, loganberries, raspberries, sprouts, silver beet, mint, parsley, garlic, lemons and lively conversation. Come and join us on Saturdays between 3.30 and 4.30 under the splendid oak tree at Goulburn Street School. Marked entry from Goulburn Street. Please come along even if you don't have anything to exchange - we'd love to meet you!
On February the 13th at 3pm they will be having a demonstration of a solar powered recycled watering system given by Chris Beardall. You can find out more about the concept at www.waterwand.com.au
And in case you are not aware of their produce exchange, here is a recent notice:
Last week we swapped redcurrants, rhubarb, kale, potatoes, broad beans, lettuce, zucchini, apples, loganberries, raspberries, sprouts, silver beet, mint, parsley, garlic, lemons and lively conversation. Come and join us on Saturdays between 3.30 and 4.30 under the splendid oak tree at Goulburn Street School. Marked entry from Goulburn Street. Please come along even if you don't have anything to exchange - we'd love to meet you!
BusIt Challenge
This is a challenge to politicians to use public transport......... http://www.busit.info/
Sustainable Transport Group, Feb 2010
The group has prepared comments on the Hobart City Council's Draft Sustainable Transport Strategy and made a submission to the Premier's Fuel Summit. We are now looking at alternative actions for transport in the West Hobart area as well as the development of a walking and biking map.
Sustainable Housing Group, Feb 2010
After running two very successful workshops, one on solar hot water and the other on insulation and residential heating options, the group is now considering a number of ideas for future activities related to making our homes more sustainable.
Gardens and Food Group, Feb 2010
This is a very active group, which has been running regular produce exchanges, garden sharing, working bees, and information sessions, including a recent workshop on gardening with native plants. At the moment, we have several workshops and information sharing activities in the planning stages.
GAF Meeting 21 July 2008
Attendees: Annie, Lucia, Anne, Jen, Sarah, Tricia, Cathy, Miriam, Marianne
Apologies: Margaret
Venue: Annie’s place Warwick Street
Food Produce - Letter drop to establish who has excess produce from trees. Maroochydore council register of trees given as example. News of excess produce to be included on website. Action: Anne to contact John regarding website
Mellifont Orchard - There is an existing volunteer garden group – Friends of Valley St. Action: Marianne to contact Simon Clarkson about speaking at sustainability meeting
Communications - Talks at sustainability meeting about topics of interest ie keeping chickens. -
Establish a way to share of propagated seeds and tools - Where to photocopy? Action: Miriam to do draft flyer including; fruit sharing, propagating seeds and tool sharing.
Permablitz - Greater community involvement for gardens and permablitz. - Working bees and skill sharing within WH Action: Hannah to talk about source co-op and permablitz
Community garden - Existing Newtown model given as example. - Possible involvement with schools. Action: Trish to contact Lansdowne, Marianne Goulburn St
Next meeting of GAF 3pm 18th August at Annie’s place.
Structure of WHEN, 2008
In a general discussion on how our group might be structured the following points were raised. Most people preferred that the group remain unincorporated and simply be an informal network. It was suggested that we need formal statement of our purpose indicating what we intend to do (and not do). To cover the costs of hiring the venue, it was agreed that we should request a $2 donation from those attending. Bill Harvey from the Hobart City Council mentioned that the Council has a meeting space available for community group use (but this can only be used after working hours on weekdays).
Name of the group:
As the group has not had an official name, a number of possible names were discussed and voted upon. And, the winner was - West Hobart Environment Network (WHEN).
Group communications:
The Yahoo discussion group was a problem for some of those attending and they asked if it was possible to have direct link from the webpage to Yahoo. Paul Turvey will investigate this. Not many people expressed interest in the discussion group. There was also a request for the inclusion of subgroup reports and meeting notices on the webpage. Bill Harvey mentioned that the Council can be asked to put up community notice boards.
Other matters:
The damage caused by plastic bags was raised and discussed. This is an issue that the group may wish to look at further in the future. Simon Clarkson gave us an overview of the plans for the Mellifont Orchard. Tasmanian heritage apples (and possibly pears) will be planted on terraces.
Beat Winter Chills & Bills, 2008
We had a great turnout again and it was a full house. There were many new faces as well as many from previous meetings.
Presentations were given by our expert panel – Peter Boyer (Al Gore Project),
Chris Harries (Waterworks Rd Community Project), Helen Pryor (Sustainable Living Tasmania) and Katrina Graham (Hobart City Council). The meeting was facilitated by Anne Bliss.
Chris Harries (Waterworks Rd Community Project), Helen Pryor (Sustainable Living Tasmania) and Katrina Graham (Hobart City Council). The meeting was facilitated by Anne Bliss.
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